“Demystifying Business Valuations”
CEO Nexus members and guests gathered for the Q3 CEO Forum at Rollins College. An expert panel addressed the fundamentals of building the intrinsic value of a business and the M&A transaction process. Attendees also participated in a small-group breakout discussion and there were plenty of networking opportunities.
Thank you to our panelists Bill Lowman (founder and president of ShuffieldLowman), Kathy Chiu (founder and managing partner of DeepWork Capital), Will Stewart (PCE partner and head of the firm’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan practice) and featured speaker Don Fournier (Senior Engineer / Acquisitions at J.S. Held).
We’d like to recognize our cohost Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College and sponsors The Entrepreneurs Alliance of Orlando, GrowFL, Orange County Government and SouthState Bank for contributing to the success of this event. Also, a special shoutout and congratulations to CEO Nexus CUP honoree Blake Powers, CEO of MedShorts.
Click here to view the event invitation.
Click here (members-only) to view the presentation recording.
Click here to view the award video of CEO Nexus Cup Recipient, Blake Powers, CEO, MedShorts.