With trillions of dollars at stake, those who own and control investment capital profit handsomely by severely undervaluing privately held businesses. Lenders lure you with teaser rates. Investment partnerships dazzle you with fancy marketing materials. These are the tools of their trade, helping them earn excess return on your hard work.
You can finance growth and stick to your moral compass while avoiding the tricks of the hucksters who want to take outsized returns on your hard work and innovation. You hold in your hands the knowledge to achieve a Breakout Valuation!
The program will feature a panel of CEOs and will address how each views value creation for their business.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 — 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. CDT
Patrick Donohue, Hill Capital Corporation, Founder
Ryan Tansom, Arkona, Co-founder

The founder of Hill Capital Corporation, a private investment fund that finances and supports emerging growth companies, Patrick holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, has served on the boards of Entrepreneurs’ Organization of Minnesota and the CFA Society of Minnesota, and founded 1 Million Cups Eden Prairie. Patrick is the author of Breakout Valuation which will be released in September 2022.

Ryan helped turn around their family business and then sell it for 8 figures to a local competitor in 2014. The growth and exit process was an unexpectedly difficult undertaking, but the lessons that were learned have proven to be invaluable. He took his experience and co-founded Arkona where he created the Intentional Growth™ 5 Principles and Framework.
For more information about this event, please contact events@ceonexus.com.