If you are like most business owners in our industry, you are wrestling with 136 issues at the same time. It can be overwhelming, leading many of you to feel stuck, frustrated, and wondering how to change the cycle.
Many of the most successful business leaders in our industry work longer hours and get less return on their investments of time and money. Many grapple with these challenges: People (not all on the same page), Control (lack thereof), Profit (not enough), Hitting the ceiling (can’t grow), Nothing is working (feel stuck). This talk introduces the Six Key Components™ of a successful business — helping business leaders in our industry transform their companies and, ultimately, their lives.
During this talk, you will learn how to help your leadership team get better at three things:
• Vision: Get everyone in your organization 100% on the same page
• Traction: Instill focus, discipline, and accountability
• Health: Create a cohesive & functional leadership team
If you are looking to get control of your business in order to increase sales, profits, gain more personal freedom, and build better teams, this is for you!
Tuesday, October 18, 2022 — 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. EDT
Melanie Towey, Professional EOS® Implementer and Business Coach
Whether it be in business or in life, Mel believes in fixing the root cause at the deepest level – not treating the symptoms. As a trusted leader and consulting resource within the building materials, architecture & design, and construction space, Melanie helps industry professionals grow in themselves and in their careers, as well as strategically helps entrepreneurs and business leaders at a deeper level overcome foundational challenges hindering them from results. As a Professional EOS® Implementer and Business Coach, Melanie acts as a teacher, coach, and facilitator — helping business leaders transform their companies and, ultimately, their lives.
For more information about this event, please contact events@ceonexus.com.