About CEO Referral Network
The CEO Referral Network consists of online and in-person opportunities to interact with fellow members and subject matter experts. Once you join, you’ll not only be able to connect with the CEO members in your roundtable group, but with hundreds of members across the state and beyond.
You will also have access to the many subject matter experts we know and have vetted that can provide the “just-in-time” problem solving CEOs need to grow their business.

“Strong Ties and Weak Ties” by Ron Piccolo, Ph. D., Robert Newland, and Nicole McMurray
When it comes to solving difficult problems, people understandably turn to trusted “strong ties” – Family members, close friends, or a CEO peer group. However, networking and informal ties provide more value to your business than you may realize. A recent study based on millions of LinkedIn connections found these relatively weak social ties proved twice as effective in securing employment and sales opportunities than stronger social ties.
CEO Networking Event
After more than a year of Zoom sessions and digital conferences, CEO Nexus was pleased to co-host an in-person CEO networking event with Rollins College Center for Advanced Entrepreneurship (CFAE). Attendees included members from roundtable groups across our statewide network – Jacksonville, Melbourne, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, Tampa, and Sarasota. Not only were we able to reconnect with familiar and new faces, but this event also served as a step to rebuilding our social and professional circles. This was the first installment of our new summer series of in-person member networking events.
According to the ASA and HBR, professional and personal networks and the accumulated social capital that underpins all relationships has deteriorated due to Covid-19. Click here to read more.
Event Photos