CEO Networking Event
After more than a year of Zoom sessions and digital conferences, CEO Nexus was pleased to co-host an in-person CEO networking event with Rollins College Center for Advanced Entrepreneurship (CFAE). Attendees included members from roundtable groups across our statewide network – Jacksonville, Melbourne, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, Tampa, and Sarasota. Not only were we able to reconnect with familiar and new faces, but this event also served as a step to rebuilding our social and professional circles. This was the first installment of our new summer series of in-person member networking events.
According to the ASA and HBR, professional and personal networks and the accumulated social capital that underpins all relationships has deteriorated due to Covid-19.
According to the ASA and HBR, professional and personal networks and the accumulated social capital that underpins all relationships has deteriorated due to Covid-19. Click here to read more.