This year, Denver stood out for his efforts connecting a fellow CEO member with someone from his network. One connection may not seem like much – but that essential introduction helped thousands of families across Florida when they needed it most.

Because of Denver’s timely introduction, he helped Nicole and AppleOne, a staffing and recruiting firm, fill more than 3,000 jobs around the state of Florida at a time of extreme economic uncertainty. This critical connection supported countless families at a trying time and simultaneously helped Nicole’s business continue to grow and thrive during the pandemic.
Nicole’s journey with an assist from Denver is another example of the “six degrees of separation” principle in action and the power of being a member of a network of CEO peers. This story amplifies that CEO Nexus network is bigger than your roundtable and shows that small actions can significantly impact your business and those in your sphere of influence.
Thank you to Denver and Nicole for making a difference!
The U.S. Submergent Technologies leadership team has over 100+ years experience in water infrastructure, solid/liquid waste and recycling, sustainability, operations management, and project management. Our experts are pleased to provide exceptional customer service to our clients and potential clients.
About CEO Nexus
CEO Nexus is committed to serving business owners and executive teams leading growth-oriented, second-stage businesses. Our facilitated peer roundtable program utilizes the CEO Nexus Content Model, which focuses on leadership, sales, operations, and finance. The program is structured to enhance Your Ownership Journey™.