CEO Nexus actively provides relevant content, hosts webinars and facilitates other networking and learning opportunities. Keep reading to see our latest updates and events.

Member Update - March 2025

Our Member Update offers easy access to relevant events, news, trends, business best practices, etc. Each update includes four sections: Events of Note, News You Can Use, Recognition and Quick Links. This information is for you to...

08.23.22 CEO Webinar – Facing the Lease vs Buy Fork in the Road?

Learn why owning makes more sense today than ever — How to prepare your business for accelerated growth with a facility expansion strategy, how to use the US Government’s Incentives to do what it wants done, why Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) thinks…

CEO Nexus welcomes new content partner: Employers Association Forum (EAF)

In the spirit of sourcing and vetting new tools and resources that will assist our members on their Ownership Journey ™, CEO Nexus has added a new content partner. Employers Association Forum is a non-profit corporate member-based association dedicated to serving the business and HR community with proven….

Congratulations to Denver Stutler CEO Nexus’ 2022 Connector of the Year

At the recent CEO Nexus conference, Denver Stutler, CEO of U.S. Submergent Technologies, was honored as Connector of the Year. Each year, we recognize members for their contribution to other members in the program and the communities we serve. This year, Denver stood out for his efforts connecting…